Far Cry Primal Free Steam Pre Installed

As the last survivor of your hunting group, you will learn to craft a deadly arsenal, fend off fierce predators, and outsmart enemy tribes to conquer the land of Oros and become the Apex Predator. The rich setting of the Stone Age provides a new setting filled with unpredictable mayhem, dangerous threats, and incredible stories that Far Cry is known for. This is earth before man laid claim to it, where deadly sabretooth tigers ruled the world, giant woolly mammoths were kings, and herds of massive Elk stormed through the plains. Discover these and many more daunting creatures in the savage open-world of Oros within the towering redwood forests, harsh taiga, cold glacial mountains and humid swamps.

DLCs Added

Apex Edition HD-textures Wenja Pack (Includes the Legend of the Mammoth quests (Battle of the Beasts, Hunting the Hunters and The Elder in the Trap), the Blood of Shasti club, the Thundercloud owl, the Fang saber-toothed tiger fire “, the color of the” Ashback “mammoth, the war paint of the Vinj hunter, the” Master’s Way “,” The Hunter’s Way “and” The Gatherer’s Way “packages, as well as a set of bombs)