No one soldier or nation single-handedly won the war. For the first time, Call of Duty captures the war from multiple perspectives, through the eyes of American, British and Russian soldiers. Battle through 24 missions spanning 4 interconnected historical campaigns. Take on mission objectives ranging from sabotage and all-out assault to stealth, vehicle combat and rescue. Authentic weapons, locations, vehicles and sounds of war all contribute to the realism, immersing you in the most intense World War II experience yet.

Call of Duty United Offensive:

Call of Duty: Second Front is an add-on for Call of Duty, one of the best 3D action games on the theme of World War II. An operation in the Ardennes and a sortie as part of a sabotage detachment to Sicily, a battle on the central square of Kharkov and an air raid on Rotterdam – you have to take part in large-scale, brutal battles of the highest degree of sophistication.


New dynamic 3D action on the theme of World War II. Three main characters: Soviet soldiers, British and American paratroopers. Twenty-four missions across four campaigns. Perfected Quake 3 engine. Longvinter Fascinating graphics, detailed to the smallest detail, full of special effects of cinematic quality. Interesting, fast-paced storyline.